Organizer of the London Derrida on Husserl working group (October 2014 – Ongoing)
Co-organizer in charge of fundraising for Sussex Continental Philosophy Workshop Series. (January – May 2014)
Organizer of bi-weekly graduate work-in-progress Seminars in philosophy at the University of Sussex. (May – December 2013)
Founder and Administrator of Read in the Original!, a program offering training in the reading and translation of French, German and Ancient Greek to all research students enrolled at the University of Sussex. (January 2012– June 2013)
Fundraising (successfully procured over £10,000 in grants for operating funds)
Budget and payroll
Hiring and interview panel co-ordination
Student Representative for University of Sussex Philosophy Department Postgraduate Researchers. (October 2012 – June 2013)
Co-organizer, Speaking the Phenomenon: Third Annual Graduate Conference in Phenomenology, University of Sussex. (May 24–25, 2012)
Organizer of German-language training program for philosophy research students at University of Sussex. (October 2011– August 2012)
British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Representative. (October 2011 – January 2013)
Co-organizer, The Ends of Phenomenology: Second Annual Graduate Conference in Phenomenology, University of Sussex. (May 19–20, 2011)
Editorial Assistant for Major Works: Existentialism, published by Rutledge. (October 2010 – April 2012)