Existentialism! – a 10-week online course about freedom, meaning and life

New to philosophy? This is a course for anyone and everyone. It is not difficult, but it is exciting!


  • Why people hide from freedom

  • Our freedom to decide what is good and bad

  • How society must be changed so that we can be free

  • Living freely with other free people

  • Why the truth depends on what we decide matters to us

  • Inventing meaningful lives

  • Pre-recorded, self-contained 1hr lectures with engaging slides

  • Weekly 1hr seminars on Zoom on Tuesdays at 8 PM London / 12 PM Vancouver (starts Jan. 18, 2020)

  • Optional reading list

  • Optional feedback on written reflections

  • Bookable one-on-one office hours

  • 100 GBP, payable by January 11 (reduced pricing available – contact me)


There are a thousand paths that have never yet been walked; a thousand forms of health and hidden islands of life. Humanity and humanity’s earth are still unexhausted and undiscovered.

Friedrich Nietzsche


I am interested in the fortunes of the individual as defined not in terms of happiness but in terms of liberty.

Simone de Beauvoir

Reviews of my teaching

"Gabriel is a wonderful teacher – clear, accommodating and pleasant."
"Gabriel made these seminars extremely enjoyable."
"He teaches the course the way every philosophy course should be taught: by encouraging discussion and trying to learn from the students just as much as they learn from him."
"Gabriel has a real knack for simplifying complex concepts without being glib or reductive.”



Email ngabrielmartin@gmail.com


I am alien to my-self as I am haunted by the alien… there is a “wild region” that opens up within one’s own culture, yet is not enclosed in it.

Bernhard Waldenfels